
A natural born skeptics view on Bahamian culture, politics, and issues at hand. An opinionated blog on the things happening around me

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Thursday, July 5, 2012

Mccartney Suggests Public Floggings Because that totally worked in primary school


Now when I heard about another independent party spearheaded by Hon. Branville Mccartney I was excited. All the things I have seem him do for his constituency was remarkable, he transformed it. But his politics it seems as of late that it is just to appeal to the here and now, and whatever the people want to hear. Public floggings? thats about as effective as spanking a rude child in the middle of super value. Its awkward for everyone. I get that rapists should be punished to the fullest extent of the law they broke but c'mon what is he trying to portray? that the only way we can overcome rape or whatever crime we must resort to menial spanking? Again this train of thought of being REACTIVE and not PROACTIVE is detrimental to society. We can't possibly assume capital punishment is somehow going to prevent crimes. Plenty of countries have capital punishment but don't have a decreased crime rate because of it. Flogging is just some grand spectacle we don't need. We should just have them up on an online database flagging them for being a sexual predator and track where they live etc, and have them serve their time prison is for reformation. Just like Making parents pay for the CHILD'S mistake is completely wrong how is the child going to really feel the repercussions of his or her actions if their parents must pay for it? Need to completely reform the child and put them in an institution if needed. Branville sadly gets the head nod of shame for this. Cheers.

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