
A natural born skeptics view on Bahamian culture, politics, and issues at hand. An opinionated blog on the things happening around me

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Thursday, July 26, 2012

Hubert cries wee wee wee all the way home

LOL just read the comment I posted.


LOL this is laughable, I can't believe this immature man ran a whole country for years. Why does he think he should be first on the agenda? He isn't even an MP for his constituency anymore. He should've just waited and I'm sure he would've had a chance to speak. Seems like he just loves to hear his own voice. There are much bigger issues at hand than for a speech to be first priority give me a break. Even in primary school they tell you wait your turn to speak. Guess he can't be too mad he made a ton of money during his employment. If he thinks this will somehow bother people he's sorely mistaken he just made himself to look like a 5 year old whos parents didn't buy them candy in the store.

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