
A natural born skeptics view on Bahamian culture, politics, and issues at hand. An opinionated blog on the things happening around me

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Thursday, June 28, 2012

Separation of Church and Government

We need the separation from religion and government. Its toxic you can't make laws based on religion just for the fact it isn't very practical, and not everyone has the same religious views, which leads to clashing on something that shouldn't even be an issue. Even as we claim to be a Christian nation there's different denominations that don't agree with one another and there in lies a huge problem. If you force a religion onto someone you are taking away human rights which is the right to choose which you believe in and think for yourself. If you force a certain idea on someone then other possibilities are blind sided and thrown away. Which hinders progression and critical thinking. Whats going to happen next? If you don't believe what I believe then you shall be thrown out? Or worse killed? Sounds familiar doesn't it? Hitler pretty much perfected that thought, and you saw what happened then. If a problem arises, instead of thinking of solutions for ourselves we tend to go the prayer route for a lot of our problems, instead of tackling things head on. We also have this idea that this country is protected by God so nothing bad will happen here, "We have God on our side we're untouchable!" The very same God who destroys cities in fire and brimstone without hesitation, not exactly something you want to invest in, and we seem to think since we are protected we don't need to do anything to prepare or defend ourselves. We are hit by hurricanes, and tropical storms annually and yet we seem to NEVER be prepared for them although we pretty much know its most likely going to happen every year. See the problem a little clearer now? Or even the thought God can't even save us, so what does that mean? Do nothing and let whatever happens, happen because we think we can't be saved? That line of thinking will someday destroy us.

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