
A natural born skeptics view on Bahamian culture, politics, and issues at hand. An opinionated blog on the things happening around me

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Friday, June 29, 2012

3 Things in Bahamian culture that are crazy to everyone else in the world

Every country has its weird quirks and stigmas that other countries find utterly weird ranging from men holding hands in India being normal to people running from a pack of raging bulls  in narrow streets.

"Dude look how jealous they are of our bromance"
1.  Bey we say bey a lot eh bey?
Every country has their own signature word from Jamaica's "Mon" to Mexico's "Ese'." Though we take it a step further usually the younger crowd will use these slang terms but not in the Bahamas everyone from senior citizens to little children say it with no discretion. We say it on TV, Radio, Government meetings, and even on the job. Bey is the equivalent to "dude" in American standards. Although the origins aren't quite clear but we speculate its a spinoff from the word "Boy" which were the slaves were called during the 1900s. When we say it when traveling or when tourist come to visit it takes them by surprise they assume we also say "Mon" because we are Caribbean, its pretty funny to see their faces trying to decipher what your saying. Its a cross between constipation and a bad smell.

"What? don't you mean how it go mon?"

2. We have a built in megaphone at birth
You know it, I know it, We all know it, we all have that aunt or uncle or cousin that just doesn't have complete control over their vocal cords. You can hear them while using a jackhammer in the middle of a hurricane. When you travel and you can hear a Bahamian before seeing one most of the time. When we were younger it can be incredibly embarrassing shopping with a loud relative, having everyone stare at you and thinking that they are thinking "who escaped from the asylum this time?" All you can do is walk off pretend that your relative is just some crazy person harassing you about which shirt fits them best.

"HEY WHICH STORE SHOULD WE GO IN NEXT? God please kill me now"

3. Directions are harder than navigating Narnia
Ever asked a Bahamian directions to their house? Good luck not even google maps can save you from the horror. Its a mix from getting a lucky turn that you stumble upon your destination or you have asked for every little detail that you follow it to the dot. Bahamians are bred to take the mismatch of obscure directions chock full of colored houses as an indication you are going the right way. For everyone else you have a better chance at Cloning dinosaurs.Cardinal directions are non existent in our vocabulary instead of saying "head north" its replaced with "when you see a yellow house turn right not the first one the second one with the dog in the yard but don't not the one with the potcake they got a pit." Take that Garmin we don't need your GPS, we should have the delivery man Olympics they are in a league of their own.

"Maybe I should try astrophysics next......"


  1. KMLL funny and very informative...keep it that way

    1. THANKS I will ill be posting more stuff very soon ;)

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