The " Direct forms of Bahamian investment to create more jobs" is what
scares me. They are most likely only going to invest in their
supporters. As a way of showing "good faith". Its like the reverse of a
super PAC American politics seems to be fond of, and they are covering
up lobbying as "job stimulation." Granted they could really be trying to
make jobs and probably make a few hundred maybe even a few thousand if
their lucky, but it sounds very biased on who they are choosing. There
are tons of start ups and great business models out there that can be
explored but Christie and Hubert was stuck on making the big companies
bigger leaving no room for diversity, and hindering economic growth. We
shall see how this plays out my money is betting it will barely
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A natural born skeptics view on Bahamian culture, politics, and issues at hand. An opinionated blog on the things happening around me
To read my writings Booksie:
To read my writings Booksie:
Monday, September 24, 2012
Minnis: Government Must Decide On Oil Oh really? When do we ever get a say?
I think Mr. Minnis realizes that if they hold a public vote they will be in less control of all the variables. For instance lets say the deal they are proposed from the oil company ensures Bahamian workers but less money for the government? Then the public would certainly vote for it to pass but the government could potentially LOSE money for the first 5+ years, and that's a blow we really can't afford. There is a flip side this could be profitable for Bahamians and Government (I think of them as separate entities because Bahamians usually get the short end of the stick) but if they hold a public vote it would actually give the people some power and God forbid that happens! I think Mr. Minnis just wants the government to have all the say possibly for shady reasons? Only time will tell where this is going.
Article link:
Article link:
It's Been a While
Its been a while since I last made a post I have been working on other projects and I have put this on the back burner, BUT I shall start posting again now that I am finished with those. :) Be prepared
Thursday, July 26, 2012
Hubert cries wee wee wee all the way home
LOL just read the comment I posted.
LOL this is laughable, I can't believe this immature man ran a whole country for years. Why does he think he should be first on the agenda? He isn't even an MP for his constituency anymore. He should've just waited and I'm sure he would've had a chance to speak. Seems like he just loves to hear his own voice. There are much bigger issues at hand than for a speech to be first priority give me a break. Even in primary school they tell you wait your turn to speak. Guess he can't be too mad he made a ton of money during his employment. If he thinks this will somehow bother people he's sorely mistaken he just made himself to look like a 5 year old whos parents didn't buy them candy in the store.
LOL this is laughable, I can't believe this immature man ran a whole country for years. Why does he think he should be first on the agenda? He isn't even an MP for his constituency anymore. He should've just waited and I'm sure he would've had a chance to speak. Seems like he just loves to hear his own voice. There are much bigger issues at hand than for a speech to be first priority give me a break. Even in primary school they tell you wait your turn to speak. Guess he can't be too mad he made a ton of money during his employment. If he thinks this will somehow bother people he's sorely mistaken he just made himself to look like a 5 year old whos parents didn't buy them candy in the store.
Hubert and Perry slapboxing as usual
Sorry guys it has been a while since my last blog post I have been busy but now I am back on track. I recently read an article in the Tribune actually a few but decided to comment on this one. Reason for that is I can't stand when politicians just say what the people want to hear but don't give any real solutions, unfortunately it seems to be the commonplace amongst most politicians. Oh well. Here's what I said.
Yet again politicians are being vague and dancing around the subject. Hubert seems to be criticizing something irrelevant just to shake the bees nest. If the houses are abandoned and run down, obviously no one is around to represent it or they just don't care, or they just can't afford to do what the government can. The government isn't planning on taking the land over just getting rid of eyes sores, and potential dens of mischief, crack houses, places where women can be raped, etc. Perry doesn't seem to grasp urban renewal either, urban renewal isn't just finding out the problems and notifying the branches of government. What is that going to solve? How are you going to find out the problems of the household exactly? Are the police going to come in sit the people down and force them to just tell them all their problems? Very unlikely. Getting the people to trust the police is a whole other issue that kind of speaks for itself on how difficult to impossible that is these days.What the government needs to do is put extra curricular activities in place to get the kids away from home and interact with them on a daily to weekly basis. You will find out everything you need to know that way, and you can instil values and discipline they aren't getting at home. Its just one of many suggestions they can address. Besides the basis of solving any problem is finding the root cause not the effect, just a thought.
Yet again politicians are being vague and dancing around the subject. Hubert seems to be criticizing something irrelevant just to shake the bees nest. If the houses are abandoned and run down, obviously no one is around to represent it or they just don't care, or they just can't afford to do what the government can. The government isn't planning on taking the land over just getting rid of eyes sores, and potential dens of mischief, crack houses, places where women can be raped, etc. Perry doesn't seem to grasp urban renewal either, urban renewal isn't just finding out the problems and notifying the branches of government. What is that going to solve? How are you going to find out the problems of the household exactly? Are the police going to come in sit the people down and force them to just tell them all their problems? Very unlikely. Getting the people to trust the police is a whole other issue that kind of speaks for itself on how difficult to impossible that is these days.What the government needs to do is put extra curricular activities in place to get the kids away from home and interact with them on a daily to weekly basis. You will find out everything you need to know that way, and you can instil values and discipline they aren't getting at home. Its just one of many suggestions they can address. Besides the basis of solving any problem is finding the root cause not the effect, just a thought.
Wednesday, July 11, 2012
Should Bullies Be Held Accountable For Causing Suicides?
Recently there was a story about a mother Toni Medrano who accidently smothered her three day old son after drinking, she had a blood alcohol level of .11, laid down next to her son Adrian, rolled over on top of Adrian, and killed him. The incident itself is downright horrible. You can imagine the guilt and sheer grief she was feeling after the death of Adrian by her own hands. She was a fairly young mother 29, she had other children before Adrian. Then Nancy Grace got wind of the story, Doomsday. When the story was featured on Nancy's show she condemned Tori with comments such as 'She's waking up and she is so drunk off a fifth of vodka she doesn't even know her baby is laying there dead beside her,' practically yelling. After the segment aired Tori was ridiculed so harshly with death threats, and insults AFTER the Nancy Grace show. She was so miserable racked with guilt, she lit herself on FIRE, and committed suicide. Now it isn't Nancy Grace's fault that people went and treated her that way. She didn't tell them to go and send tons of hate mail. But that doesn't mean she didn't instigate it, Tori was already charged with two counts of manslaughter which can face up to 10 years in prison. Granted not the value of life loss, but time for atonement. The main question is, is Nancy Grace a bully and be held somewhat responsible? I think so if you are on TV and millions of people are watching you, you should be careful what you say it may be YOUR opinion but people can sympathize with you and act on it. Check the video for yourself.
Tuesday, July 10, 2012
Meet Your Promises, Don't Just Spread Propoganda' Maybe you shouldn't talk FNM
I found this article so ironic I just couldn't pass it up, What is the FNM thinking just trying to bash the other party? Heres what I said.
Is the FNM serious? They are trying to call out a party for committing politics? The FNM is not safe from this accusation either. There really is no point to this, but to well spread propaganda themselves, which is hilariously ironic. For the FNM to talk about something, really the only successful thing they did with utilities as some form of evidence that they are free from criticism is just brazen. Point is no party can claim they have fulfilled all their promises around elections. Period.
I found this article so ironic I just couldn't pass it up, What is the FNM thinking just trying to bash the other party? Heres what I said.
Is the FNM serious? They are trying to call out a party for committing politics? The FNM is not safe from this accusation either. There really is no point to this, but to well spread propaganda themselves, which is hilariously ironic. For the FNM to talk about something, really the only successful thing they did with utilities as some form of evidence that they are free from criticism is just brazen. Point is no party can claim they have fulfilled all their promises around elections. Period.
Saturday, July 7, 2012
" Bahamians ‘Not Disciplined Enough’ To Use Casinos" I guess everyone is not mature enough but the top 10%
I noticed this article on what Robert Sands said about the gambling situation. I think he is trying to divide the different wealth classes further. Here is what I posted on the article.
OMG NO! Trying to further separate the different classes of people in the Bahamas by giving the rich rights others don't have because of wealth is downright sickening. Taking away rights is never anyone's benefit, they are losing their liberty which doesn't seem to matter to Mr.Sands. Just because something is legal doesn't mean everyone is going to go out and gamble. If you made cocaine legal today people aren't going to flood the streets with white noses and tweaking. The number houses are actually quite genius and progressive thinking whether the people, Christian council, or politicians like it or not, they are most likely here to stay as long as they provide jobs and contribute to the flow of money in the country. So make gambling legal give us our liberties, and maintain our human rights.
I noticed this article on what Robert Sands said about the gambling situation. I think he is trying to divide the different wealth classes further. Here is what I posted on the article.
OMG NO! Trying to further separate the different classes of people in the Bahamas by giving the rich rights others don't have because of wealth is downright sickening. Taking away rights is never anyone's benefit, they are losing their liberty which doesn't seem to matter to Mr.Sands. Just because something is legal doesn't mean everyone is going to go out and gamble. If you made cocaine legal today people aren't going to flood the streets with white noses and tweaking. The number houses are actually quite genius and progressive thinking whether the people, Christian council, or politicians like it or not, they are most likely here to stay as long as they provide jobs and contribute to the flow of money in the country. So make gambling legal give us our liberties, and maintain our human rights.
Thursday, July 5, 2012
Mccartney Suggests Public Floggings Because that totally worked in primary school
Now when I heard about another independent party spearheaded by Hon. Branville Mccartney I was excited. All the things I have seem him do for his constituency was remarkable, he transformed it. But his politics it seems as of late that it is just to appeal to the here and now, and whatever the people want to hear. Public floggings? thats about as effective as spanking a rude child in the middle of super value. Its awkward for everyone. I get that rapists should be punished to the fullest extent of the law they broke but c'mon what is he trying to portray? that the only way we can overcome rape or whatever crime we must resort to menial spanking? Again this train of thought of being REACTIVE and not PROACTIVE is detrimental to society. We can't possibly assume capital punishment is somehow going to prevent crimes. Plenty of countries have capital punishment but don't have a decreased crime rate because of it. Flogging is just some grand spectacle we don't need. We should just have them up on an online database flagging them for being a sexual predator and track where they live etc, and have them serve their time prison is for reformation. Just like Making parents pay for the CHILD'S mistake is completely wrong how is the child going to really feel the repercussions of his or her actions if their parents must pay for it? Need to completely reform the child and put them in an institution if needed. Branville sadly gets the head nod of shame for this. Cheers.
Now when I heard about another independent party spearheaded by Hon. Branville Mccartney I was excited. All the things I have seem him do for his constituency was remarkable, he transformed it. But his politics it seems as of late that it is just to appeal to the here and now, and whatever the people want to hear. Public floggings? thats about as effective as spanking a rude child in the middle of super value. Its awkward for everyone. I get that rapists should be punished to the fullest extent of the law they broke but c'mon what is he trying to portray? that the only way we can overcome rape or whatever crime we must resort to menial spanking? Again this train of thought of being REACTIVE and not PROACTIVE is detrimental to society. We can't possibly assume capital punishment is somehow going to prevent crimes. Plenty of countries have capital punishment but don't have a decreased crime rate because of it. Flogging is just some grand spectacle we don't need. We should just have them up on an online database flagging them for being a sexual predator and track where they live etc, and have them serve their time prison is for reformation. Just like Making parents pay for the CHILD'S mistake is completely wrong how is the child going to really feel the repercussions of his or her actions if their parents must pay for it? Need to completely reform the child and put them in an institution if needed. Branville sadly gets the head nod of shame for this. Cheers.
Monday, July 2, 2012
Top 5 Worst Bahamian Professions everyone seems to have
There is this huge trend of people trying to make money through jobs that look "cool", or seem generally easy and fun to do. Majority of young Bahamians have adopted these job titles trying to look for an easy buck. Sadly they couldn't have been more wrong.
"Dude buying an expensive camera has to be easier than this"
1. Photographer
Photography seems like a glamorous and easy job, you take pictures of beautiful women all day right? And you get paid for it! whats better than that? Just stop right there, not all photographers take pictures of models and the ones that do are very few. They have worked years at networking, getting to know the business, and actually getting the attention of clients willing to pay for their services, and selling their artwork at a gallery which is a feat to get into itself. Majority of photographers take contemporary pictures, scenery, everyday people, and abstract. Even after years of schooling and building a portfolio to present to a firm who would hire you. Most photographers don't make much money, if hardly any. It is a very competitive, highly criticized field. A lot of Bahamians assume just buying a fancy camera, asking a few girls to take pictures of, and adding a water mark on their pictures makes them a photographer. If they met a real photographer they would most likely get punched in the face, and have their picture taken afterwards. This then leads into the next profession everyone seems to want and think they have.
"WTF! where are the half naked women? I didn't sign up for this."
2. Model
This is the bane of my existence, every girl who have ever had their picture taken seems to believe that they are in fact a model. Although they have never seen a single dime of money for it nor have any credentials to show. Never has been featured a "model" outside of Facebook. "Photographers" ask a decent looking woman to have their pictures taken, and are told they can be models. What happens is they actually believe it, and the photographers play along so they can just take some pictures to give the illusion that they are actual photographers. What we soon have is a bunch of women who claim to be models and thus feel superior to people who aren't models. As if modeling has the per-requisites to actually have brains or any other skills. Then they refuse to do any other work because they claim to be models taking pictures in their bathrooms with their blackberry's making a duck face in the mirror. BOOM! time to go duck hunting.
"This will look fabulous on my resume'"
3. DJs
Being a DJ sounds like the easiest most fun thing in the world, you attend parties and you just play music all night. Then possibly get a few chicks to leave with you after sounds like the life doesn't it? Wrong being a DJ is one of the hardest things to do these days. The industry is so saturated with Virtual DJ posers and people who have no sense of rhythm and tone it makes the people who actually hone their craft hard to notice. Seems like in every teenage Bahamian's life there was a DJ phase where they would just mix songs together and play sounds effects over the songs, the proceed to share them on Facebook. When the actual DJs do the opposite, they go out searching foe venues to play at most of the time for free at first, get more known then actually OFFER their services to people planning parties, Bahamians just assume that they will just come looking for you while you chill in your room abusing virtual DJ.
"This is so easy why aren't more people DJs!"
4. Phone Card Re-saleSelling phone cards isn't as big as it was before, literally there was 4 or 5 people on every corner selling cards until they lowered the commission you would make on each sale. Then the unthinkable happened EZ-topup. This god awful system has enabled anyone with a cell phone to sell minutes. So you have people walking around in random shops, clubs, and hangout areas trying to sell you minutes. Although its fine to have it as a side venture but to make it a main job is downright awful. Not only your returns for the effort you put towards it not worth it, you start to lose money after a while if you don't sell enough. Yet everyone seems to be jumping onboard because it seems too good to be true, and it is.
"If only there were Nokia death matches"
5. Event Planner
Every weekend you hear about some party from some entertainment group with some razzle frazzle name like "WeArePromisingYouWillGetLaidIfYouPay10Bucks" or something along those lines. Event planning isn't just throwing parties at different locations, you would just be called a great party thrower. Event planing has a very unique art to it only a handful of people can really pull it off. Getting the right caterer, designing the venue, making sure there are enough seats, right amount of activities, marketing, making sure you deliver what the client wants specifically, and the list goes on and on. Seems like every Bahamian wants to be a huge mogul by throwing parties with all sorts of gimmicks like a certain attire you must wear, or if its some time of the year, and sure enough every year the same thing happens and we all fall victim to the wet n mads.
"What a wonderful way to celebrate a great achievement in history, NUDITY"
Saturday, June 30, 2012
The Immigration Discrimination Situation
There seems to be ALOT of issues with illegal and legal immigrants. The main one being Haitians, being seen as a plague and a parasite to The Bahamas. Although so of the claims are correct, such as Haitians getting completely free health care while Bahamians pay ridiculous prices and horrible conditions at Princess Margaret. Then there's the outlandish, crazy, paranoid, Sandilands view of them. For instance that all Haitians practice "Obeah" which is known to be black magic. To assume that means to assume every Bahamian is Christian or every Bahamian drinks alcohol. As easy it is to blame Haitians for the majority of our problems, it's not fixing anything.. I guess people using black magic can be pretty scary. like Harry Potter movies because you know I can't sleep at night after watching those PG-13 scare fests. Then there's the fact the have hut villages on peoples property and in the back of the bush. Last time I checked we control the land, we have guns, vehicles, man power, so how about we use them? Its pretty common sense, they don't have much places to hide if they really are a hindrance to your daily lives. Legal Haitians aren't safe either, they get as much backlash just for being Haitian decent or speak Creole'. About every other immigrants such as Europeans, South Americans, Asians, and North Americans. Pretty much if they bring money or good looks they are seen as an assets to be exploited. Bahamians as I have known are pretty hardcore we can stand by an lets things happen for a while but when you push us to far we blow up and go balls deep. Sooner or later its going to happen with this situation and there seems to be no end of it, kind of exciting really imagine how much street cred we would get with other countries. Seems like every country is having an uprising I think we are long overdue, the sheer amount of conch shells being thrown through the air in it self would be awesome.
"Hey guys what are we gonna do when they find their own rocks?.......Crap"
Weirdest things Bahamian male teens do
Teenagers are in a tough place where they aren't quite an adult, and not quite a child so there's a lot of confusion and angst. When you hear the word "Teen" anywhere else would think rebellious, moody, confused, and crazy. The male teen population in the Bahamas are on another whole different level, and here's proof.
"Because just regular starch are for punks, but lavender smells soooooo good"
3. Leaving a patch of hair uncut
Getting a haircut is pretty commonplace amongst men, we do it to look good for women, relief from the heat, and get/keep a job. Some rain man of a teen decided I'm a cut above the rest, to display that I will leave a small area of hair uncut.That surely would go over well. The end result was teenagers strolling around with discount haircuts, and very shady looking characters walking around. Oh no it doesn't stop there, some teens figured just one patch wasn't cool and bad ass enough. How about we not cut the whole back of my head and call it a shag, yes a shag the ugly 60s carpet that died along with disco. Oh you thinks that's all? Nope since teenagers are easily influenced by other trends such as locks, not only did they have a patch of outgrown hair but they have started to lock it! So now they have hanging spaghetti strings coming out of their head like some bad Rasta experiment gone wrong.
4. Obsession with Polo and Tommy Hilfiger
I like name brands as much as the next guy, but they aren't the only thing in my wardrobe. One step into the mall or a club in the Bahamas you start to notice a trend amongst the younger crowd. They all have on collared shirts! Not only that, they are wearing golfing clothes for everything from dress up day in high school to church. Yes Polo and Tommy Hilfiger were originally designed for the white middle to upper class those who golfed. Granted Bahamian teenagers aren't as silly with their collared shirts as a lot of Americans who flip the collars up like some 1850s Baron. Polo shirts and Starched pants are a must for a night on the town, not like your going to encounter someone wearing the same thing right? Awkwardddddddd.
"My girlfriend of one week left me I loved her, its true it was on facebook and everything"
!. The wholesale purchases of Starch
For some odd reason male teens seem to think their clothes are not nearly hang glider material worthy. Usually when someone irons they spray a little starch to prevent wrinkles or to get rid of wrinkles, but not teenagers we are hardcore. Teens spray down their shirts and pants with so much starch it looks like their clothes were folded and spent a century under 20,000 pounds of pressure. I have no idea where it started or why, and I don't think they know themselves. At some point some kid figured one spray of starch is for pussies, and I am a bad lets go all out. He was probably confused about the application of starch and then went to school with his uniform and his friends thought the paper bag look was hip. The end result was an awkward robotic moving teenagers with starch lines that seem to resemble they were attacked by snails.
For some odd reason male teens seem to think their clothes are not nearly hang glider material worthy. Usually when someone irons they spray a little starch to prevent wrinkles or to get rid of wrinkles, but not teenagers we are hardcore. Teens spray down their shirts and pants with so much starch it looks like their clothes were folded and spent a century under 20,000 pounds of pressure. I have no idea where it started or why, and I don't think they know themselves. At some point some kid figured one spray of starch is for pussies, and I am a bad lets go all out. He was probably confused about the application of starch and then went to school with his uniform and his friends thought the paper bag look was hip. The end result was an awkward robotic moving teenagers with starch lines that seem to resemble they were attacked by snails.
"Because just regular starch are for punks, but lavender smells soooooo good"
2. Pants in socks
I have no clue why teenagers even do this. Maybe they didn't want the bottom of their pants to get dirty? Or they love the feeling of having their body heat trapped, and having quarts of sweat slosh around in their under garments. Just putting pants in normal white socks aren't just enough, we have to make it a fashion. Blue socks, Red socks, Brown socks, plaid designs, star designs, checkered designed, multi-colored, a whole array of socks to match the outfit they are wearing. Combined with stiff paper bag starch pants and we have a match made in heaven.
I have no clue why teenagers even do this. Maybe they didn't want the bottom of their pants to get dirty? Or they love the feeling of having their body heat trapped, and having quarts of sweat slosh around in their under garments. Just putting pants in normal white socks aren't just enough, we have to make it a fashion. Blue socks, Red socks, Brown socks, plaid designs, star designs, checkered designed, multi-colored, a whole array of socks to match the outfit they are wearing. Combined with stiff paper bag starch pants and we have a match made in heaven.
"Nothing expresses teen angst and fashion like socks in pants, plus I love looking like a idiot"
3. Leaving a patch of hair uncut
Getting a haircut is pretty commonplace amongst men, we do it to look good for women, relief from the heat, and get/keep a job. Some rain man of a teen decided I'm a cut above the rest, to display that I will leave a small area of hair uncut.That surely would go over well. The end result was teenagers strolling around with discount haircuts, and very shady looking characters walking around. Oh no it doesn't stop there, some teens figured just one patch wasn't cool and bad ass enough. How about we not cut the whole back of my head and call it a shag, yes a shag the ugly 60s carpet that died along with disco. Oh you thinks that's all? Nope since teenagers are easily influenced by other trends such as locks, not only did they have a patch of outgrown hair but they have started to lock it! So now they have hanging spaghetti strings coming out of their head like some bad Rasta experiment gone wrong.
"I'm ahead of the curve, I'm a trendsetter"
4. Obsession with Polo and Tommy Hilfiger
I like name brands as much as the next guy, but they aren't the only thing in my wardrobe. One step into the mall or a club in the Bahamas you start to notice a trend amongst the younger crowd. They all have on collared shirts! Not only that, they are wearing golfing clothes for everything from dress up day in high school to church. Yes Polo and Tommy Hilfiger were originally designed for the white middle to upper class those who golfed. Granted Bahamian teenagers aren't as silly with their collared shirts as a lot of Americans who flip the collars up like some 1850s Baron. Polo shirts and Starched pants are a must for a night on the town, not like your going to encounter someone wearing the same thing right? Awkwardddddddd.
"Hey ladies am I over stimulating your ovaries yet?"
5.Obviously they are going to return it after wearing it. Keeping the tags on everything.
The act of keeping the tags on clothes after buying them is to return them after wearing them once to look good for that outing. It can be a good idea for a teenager not making much money and only going on allowance, But here's the kicker they have STYLIZED THIS, Bahamian teenagers made it standard to show off the tags to show off that they purchased an article of clothing. Not only do they keep it on their shirts and pants, they have extended it to hats, watches, shoes, shades, and even socks I have witnessed. Imagine everyday you witness this rare oddity of a teen wearing brown bag approved starch pants tucked into socks, tags dangling off of them, and a patch of locked hair on their head. Scary right? Steve Urkle would be proud.
"My badges of honor, I have proof see?"
Friday, June 29, 2012
Irony. Funny in everyway possible
Ironic that obese, diabetic, unhealthy republicans are against free healthcare.
3 Things in Bahamian culture that are crazy to everyone else in the world
Every country has its weird quirks and stigmas that other countries find utterly weird ranging from men holding hands in India being normal to people running from a pack of raging bulls in narrow streets.
"Dude look how jealous they are of our bromance"
1. Bey we say bey a lot eh bey?
Every country has their own signature word from Jamaica's "Mon" to Mexico's "Ese'." Though we take it a step further usually the younger crowd will use these slang terms but not in the Bahamas everyone from senior citizens to little children say it with no discretion. We say it on TV, Radio, Government meetings, and even on the job. Bey is the equivalent to "dude" in American standards. Although the origins aren't quite clear but we speculate its a spinoff from the word "Boy" which were the slaves were called during the 1900s. When we say it when traveling or when tourist come to visit it takes them by surprise they assume we also say "Mon" because we are Caribbean, its pretty funny to see their faces trying to decipher what your saying. Its a cross between constipation and a bad smell.
"What? don't you mean how it go mon?"
2. We have a built in megaphone at birth
You know it, I know it, We all know it, we all have that aunt or uncle or cousin that just doesn't have complete control over their vocal cords. You can hear them while using a jackhammer in the middle of a hurricane. When you travel and you can hear a Bahamian before seeing one most of the time. When we were younger it can be incredibly embarrassing shopping with a loud relative, having everyone stare at you and thinking that they are thinking "who escaped from the asylum this time?" All you can do is walk off pretend that your relative is just some crazy person harassing you about which shirt fits them best.
"HEY WHICH STORE SHOULD WE GO IN NEXT? God please kill me now"
3. Directions are harder than navigating Narnia
Ever asked a Bahamian directions to their house? Good luck not even google maps can save you from the horror. Its a mix from getting a lucky turn that you stumble upon your destination or you have asked for every little detail that you follow it to the dot. Bahamians are bred to take the mismatch of obscure directions chock full of colored houses as an indication you are going the right way. For everyone else you have a better chance at Cloning dinosaurs.Cardinal directions are non existent in our vocabulary instead of saying "head north" its replaced with "when you see a yellow house turn right not the first one the second one with the dog in the yard but don't not the one with the potcake they got a pit." Take that Garmin we don't need your GPS, we should have the delivery man Olympics they are in a league of their own.
"Maybe I should try astrophysics next......"
Journalism at its worst in our own country
I decided to compare the different news sources of the Bahamas and what I found was staggering. I think I will start with the worst I found, Bahamas Press. This news source is by far the most biased, misinformed source I have ever seen. Fox News doesn't even compare. When I visit Bahamas Press I see articles like "Long Islanders cussin as female SISSY FNM campaign worker begs two young girls for sex." Yes this is an actual article they have written. Does this look like objective news to you? Or more like a lobbyist column supporting the PLP? I am not affiliated with any political party in particular, and I know that neither side is innocent from doing this, But why call yourselves "Press" if all you do support the PLP agenda? It pains me as an aspiring Journalist to see this, as these are the people who are suppose to be my seniors in this field. Next is the Tribune although they try to be impartial it seems that they aren't covering their stories completely, and following through. They get the basics of the story and run with it. Which isn't SO bad but lack luster to say the least. The Guardian is one of those papers that try to look and feel super professional, but they kind of slip through the cracks. The way the articles are presented to the way they prioritize certain headlines they seem to fumble. The Punch, c'mon its The Punch what more is there to say?
Vat 'Not Total' Tax Reform Answer Nail on the Proverbial head
I have to agree with Raymond there are just way too many factors to factor in to balance and check in our unstable economy. It isn't just to generate revenue for now, its to help develop our country's economic strength. Could be a tricky one.
VAT wouldn't really work in the Bahamas at least without some other addendum. Seeing as how we are a Tourism based economy, it can be a real stretch to put a tax on top of a tip for a service provided. Maybe if we limit it to only luxury items purchased in the Bahamas then that would be a great starting point. Government makes money, consumers are less likely to complain because they don't need that good or service to live, and the money earned can pay for a lot of things.
I have to agree with Raymond there are just way too many factors to factor in to balance and check in our unstable economy. It isn't just to generate revenue for now, its to help develop our country's economic strength. Could be a tricky one.
VAT wouldn't really work in the Bahamas at least without some other addendum. Seeing as how we are a Tourism based economy, it can be a real stretch to put a tax on top of a tip for a service provided. Maybe if we limit it to only luxury items purchased in the Bahamas then that would be a great starting point. Government makes money, consumers are less likely to complain because they don't need that good or service to live, and the money earned can pay for a lot of things.
JP Morgan in worse shape than previously thought.....
Apparently JP Morgan an investment bank, and all around super bank that does just about everything. Stated that they previously thought they had 2 billion dollars in deficit. Well they concluded its 9 billion, looks like that bailout was really effective....
Plp Education Pledge Only 'Double Talk' Lets Just Throw Money at It!!
I read this article a little late but I discovered it nonetheless, and its pretty baffling. It seems that the only solution we could come up with everything is "lets just spend more money on it that will work" without first fixing the key issues.You just end up paying for the same thing on a bigger scale. A failing system.
Well I see that the focus on solving education are misplaced. Increasing the budget and building more schools in no way equates to children learning. It involves so many other factors to go along with it. Whats the child's home life like? Are the teachers actually any good? Are our standardized testing up to par? Are the children motivated enough to even try? Just bashing each other saying "oh we built this many schools and paid this money" OK so what was the result? We have a national D average, people seem to forget that even with all the schools the FNM built. If you build it they surely would come, but would they thrive? Its a better idea to cut cost and manage the money with more scrutiny. Just throwing money at a problem haphazardly isn't a real solution.
I read this article a little late but I discovered it nonetheless, and its pretty baffling. It seems that the only solution we could come up with everything is "lets just spend more money on it that will work" without first fixing the key issues.You just end up paying for the same thing on a bigger scale. A failing system.
Well I see that the focus on solving education are misplaced. Increasing the budget and building more schools in no way equates to children learning. It involves so many other factors to go along with it. Whats the child's home life like? Are the teachers actually any good? Are our standardized testing up to par? Are the children motivated enough to even try? Just bashing each other saying "oh we built this many schools and paid this money" OK so what was the result? We have a national D average, people seem to forget that even with all the schools the FNM built. If you build it they surely would come, but would they thrive? Its a better idea to cut cost and manage the money with more scrutiny. Just throwing money at a problem haphazardly isn't a real solution.
Thursday, June 28, 2012
The new Minister of Education Jerome Fitzgerald said he will soon be calling journalists to explain "what we expect of the media”. Should government have a say in how the media approaches news? OH COME ON!!
When I saw this poll I almost choked on my coffee, This was just calling out to me. I have soooo much to say about this topic but I had to drastically shorten it to keep people's attention, here is what I said.
We expect the media to deliver UNBIASED news which seems to be nearly impossible, each news source seems to have an obvious party which they support. The government should have little to no say on how the news should be approached. Many things can happen once government controls the media. They can change certain details to their liking, they can withhold information vital for the public to know, they can spread propaganda against an opposing party, they can spread lies about a dire situation just to appeal to the public when we have a right to know, and it can go on and on. Journalism is about seeking the truth behind closed curtains, bringing it to the public to see and let them decide how they want to interpret it. It doesn't work the other way around a Journalist is supposed to just report not decipher the information for you and feed you their views and give off the notion that it's fact. These days it seems journalism is starting to hide under a very dark veil of deception and corruption, which is very ironic in the information era we live in today.
When I saw this poll I almost choked on my coffee, This was just calling out to me. I have soooo much to say about this topic but I had to drastically shorten it to keep people's attention, here is what I said.
We expect the media to deliver UNBIASED news which seems to be nearly impossible, each news source seems to have an obvious party which they support. The government should have little to no say on how the news should be approached. Many things can happen once government controls the media. They can change certain details to their liking, they can withhold information vital for the public to know, they can spread propaganda against an opposing party, they can spread lies about a dire situation just to appeal to the public when we have a right to know, and it can go on and on. Journalism is about seeking the truth behind closed curtains, bringing it to the public to see and let them decide how they want to interpret it. It doesn't work the other way around a Journalist is supposed to just report not decipher the information for you and feed you their views and give off the notion that it's fact. These days it seems journalism is starting to hide under a very dark veil of deception and corruption, which is very ironic in the information era we live in today.
Pm: Bahamas Facing The Toughest Economic Times Utter nonsense
When I read this article I almost lost it just read my comment for yourself.
Oh boy Oh boy not even sure where to start so I'll be brief. We are in a
crisis because our main industry is tourism so why invest MORE into
that industry? It will not work, we may be the closest to Florida but
that doesn't mean much when American tourist aren't spending money. Why
on earth would you spend money we can't afford to spend on OTHER people
besides ourselves? Not like everyone lives in tourists areas or works in
that industry, we have to expand our portfolio, and CUT spending. How
do you expect to "balance" the budget by spending majority of the money
on tourism which everyone isn't going to do, and no way going to provide
enough jobs to keep the quality of life up. What about the other
islands? What are they going to do? Tourism isn't exactly their main
focus. Just leaving them out to hang? Agriculture and fisheries must be
dedicated to tourism? WHY? Why not have them farm and catch fish to be
sold within the country and have a certain percentage exported to
Florida? (since we are so close) and there is a HUGE market for fish and
produce in South Florida, Louisiana, Mississippi, Texas, etc. I really
don't know what Perry is thinking.....It has been proven Tourism is not a
reliable source of main income, and when the American economy collapses
again (which it will always does) then what? We have no backup because
we blew it all on tourism. Point is expand the portfolio, cut government
spending, and establish our other industries to be more prominent.
Vote On Gambling 'Before End Of Year' It's pretty much a straight forward decision
I noticed this article and quickly "face palm'd" at the sight of it, I get its a growing business venture but there's really no debate over this. Maybe the Christian council might have something to say they always do after all. Here's what I said on the site.
Whenever you make something illegal its taboo and ends up being more desired, unfortunately. The best thing to do is let Bahamians gamble, charge a permit fee, and a transaction fee for every bet placed at every numbers shop or whatever people think of. Channel that money into treasury and be frugal with the earnings, we are in insane debt and spending money as soon as we get our hands on the money is taking one step forward two steps back. I'm not even sure we should have a lottery thought seeing as we don't have a set tax system which we should really handle to pay for medical insurance, better social security, and a more organized public bus system it's down right horrid.
I noticed this article and quickly "face palm'd" at the sight of it, I get its a growing business venture but there's really no debate over this. Maybe the Christian council might have something to say they always do after all. Here's what I said on the site.
Whenever you make something illegal its taboo and ends up being more desired, unfortunately. The best thing to do is let Bahamians gamble, charge a permit fee, and a transaction fee for every bet placed at every numbers shop or whatever people think of. Channel that money into treasury and be frugal with the earnings, we are in insane debt and spending money as soon as we get our hands on the money is taking one step forward two steps back. I'm not even sure we should have a lottery thought seeing as we don't have a set tax system which we should really handle to pay for medical insurance, better social security, and a more organized public bus system it's down right horrid.
Activists demand tougher sentences for rapists...Oh really now......
I was referred to this article from a friend and I found it interesting here's what I said.
This is the problem in our country, instead of being proactive we are being reactive which isn't the correct approach. Giving a longer sentence won't change their minds to commit rape, they aren't in a sane mindset to begin with, they're just looking for that instant gratification. 15 - life compared to 60 - life is no difference to criminals to them its do or die. Prison is supposed to be for rehabilitation not a money pit to waste for criminals who are probably never going to change because we do nothing to help them. I understand there's an outrage on the raping spree but where did we go wrong? We should pursue to fix the source not try to give harsher punishments to people who don't even care about other people, if they don't care for other people why would they care about themselves? Lack of empathy are signs of a sociopath. We have to tackle it at the source
I was referred to this article from a friend and I found it interesting here's what I said.
This is the problem in our country, instead of being proactive we are being reactive which isn't the correct approach. Giving a longer sentence won't change their minds to commit rape, they aren't in a sane mindset to begin with, they're just looking for that instant gratification. 15 - life compared to 60 - life is no difference to criminals to them its do or die. Prison is supposed to be for rehabilitation not a money pit to waste for criminals who are probably never going to change because we do nothing to help them. I understand there's an outrage on the raping spree but where did we go wrong? We should pursue to fix the source not try to give harsher punishments to people who don't even care about other people, if they don't care for other people why would they care about themselves? Lack of empathy are signs of a sociopath. We have to tackle it at the source
Really Government?
We are willing to spend MILLIONS on roads but can't even upgrade our utilities, or even ZNS our national news station which is reminiscent of the 60s.....Seems Legit.
Capital punishment Solution? or Problem?
My stance on capital punishment isn't so black and white. There's soooooo many factors that goes along with it. For instance what if you find out the prisoner was innocent after you killed him/her already? History is there to help us learn from our mistakes and capital punishment was a mistake, what makes you any better than the accused if you are killing them as well? There might be retribution for the family of the victim but how long will that last? It wouldn't solve any crimes or somehow prevent them from happening if criminals have no alternatives.I do think there are a few exceptions for the real serious crimes, one murder is bad enough as it is, but why not give them a second chance after reform? Isn't it a Christian principle to give second chances or that doesn't apply somehow?
Will the healthcare reform effect the Bahamas?
In a general sense it will certainly effect the Bahamas on our main industry, Tourism. If people don't have to spend as much money on insurance or medical bills because it will be covered (if it isn't drastic like a big surgery, cosmetic surgery etc) then they would be more inclined to travel and more likely to come here, But it can also backfire the reform will raise government spending on medical spending which can cause tax increases, Thus people would be feeling the pressure and more reluctant to travel seeing as how cost of living is going up. We can only wait and see what happens the vote has only been passed over and there seems to be a huge backlash, especially against the Attorney General Eric Holder, The republicans are voting to hold Holder (kind of funny play on words) for contempt, which seems to be a ploy to hinder the progression of "Obamacare" but I doubt it will stick.
A little about me
I'm 20 years old, I'm an aspiring journalist who wants to focus on politics, current events, and social issues plaguing society. I LOVE talking about different viewpoints with people, I'm open to hearing all sides of an issue. I'm open to hearing what other people to say it takes more than a single person's idea to change something. I can sometimes be argumentative but who isn't when they are passionate about something :D. In my downtime I like to read books, watch sports games, exercising, and playing games (I am 20 after all lol.) If I can change at least one persons opinion on a matter then I'll feel accomplished.
Separation of Church and Government
We need the separation from religion and government. Its toxic you can't make laws based on religion just for the fact it isn't very practical, and not everyone has the same religious views, which leads to clashing on something that shouldn't even be an issue. Even as we claim to be a Christian nation there's different denominations that don't agree with one another and there in lies a huge problem. If you force a religion onto someone you are taking away human rights which is the right to choose which you believe in and think for yourself. If you force a certain idea on someone then other possibilities are blind sided and thrown away. Which hinders progression and critical thinking. Whats going to happen next? If you don't believe what I believe then you shall be thrown out? Or worse killed? Sounds familiar doesn't it? Hitler pretty much perfected that thought, and you saw what happened then. If a problem arises, instead of thinking of solutions for ourselves we tend to go the prayer route for a lot of our problems, instead of tackling things head on. We also have this idea that this country is protected by God so nothing bad will happen here, "We have God on our side we're untouchable!" The very same God who destroys cities in fire and brimstone without hesitation, not exactly something you want to invest in, and we seem to think since we are protected we don't need to do anything to prepare or defend ourselves. We are hit by hurricanes, and tropical storms annually and yet we seem to NEVER be prepared for them although we pretty much know its most likely going to happen every year. See the problem a little clearer now? Or even the thought God can't even save us, so what does that mean? Do nothing and let whatever happens, happen because we think we can't be saved? That line of thinking will someday destroy us.
Wrong Priorities
For some reason Bahamians seems to only care about roads, cell phone minutes, power outages, and crime (as a political issue) which are problems but not the main ones to concentrate on.You can't work backwards you can't spend millions on roads when you have nothing to back it up which results in borrowing money and deepening our debt. Crime is a social issue there are things Government can help curb crime but nothing they can do to stop it outright its up to the people to change for themselves, not the people whom they have hired to change ourselves for us. The power outages are basically disgruntled workers taking it out on us because whether they aren't getting paid right, or they hate their work conditions to fix that you need to improve job quality and stimulate the economy which is a hard task but something that's needs to be done nonetheless.
The drastic problems with the Bahamas(a quick overview)
Granted every country has its own problems, but we can actually do something about it. Majority of the third world countries are in the state they are in for just a few reasons that we aren't affected by. First they are in a state of civil distress, Second a totalitarian government where only the "Higher-ups" reap all the benefits, Third they are a war torn country either from suffering from a recent war and has never recovered or the country is in distress from different militia factions trying to take over. We don't have any of those problems so whats the big deal? are we just unlucky? Are we incompetent? or is it because the majority of the Bahamian people only look out for themselves with this "imma get mine an you get yours" attitude, But how did we end up like this? Certainly we couldn't be born that way it doesn't work like that. The problem is pretty simple and straight forward. We are trying to be something we are not, but what do I mean exactly? are we pretending to be Bahamians? We TRY to act as if we are a solely independent country ever since we seceded from Britain. What exactly do we call our own? Tourism right? it must be tourism its our biggest industry and no one in the Atlantic comes close.Right? NONE of our hotels or main attractions are NOT Bahamian but we act like it right? Atlantis for example we may have some say over what Atlantis does or doesn't do but that's only a courtesy that Kerzner provided to us, We don't own Atlantis nor can we force them to hire Bahamian workers. We seem to cling onto our roots a little too strongly as pirates and when we want something we just take it. We are so dependent on Great Britain and United States its shocking really. Great Britain has its claws around our government and the US has its imperial power over our imports and exports. We STILL have a Governor General who reports to the Queen. Why do we need such a person, and why do we need to report to the privy council for our own internal matters?!? Great Britain who we have became independent from refuses us to carry out capital punishment, but why should we listen to them? Are we not our own entity? or are we just pretending to be? The USA has us in a constant choke hold, we rely on them for almost everything from the food we eat to the money in our treasury. We try to keep up with the USD but its only digging ourselves into a deeper hole, we refuse to admit we are in a state of crisis, and we try to put up a facade that we are so wealthy and rich that we are at the top of our game. The reason why we use the USD isn't as simple as people think, people think its to give tourist an easier time and spend more money right? WRONG, its to curb inflation which could be a real danger to us and send us into extreme poverty. We know that the USD is pretty much accepted anywhere with no hassle although it isn't the strongest dollar in the world. We know that if we can have the USD into circulation we don't have to print more money, and thus curbing inflation with another country's money. Its a scary thing really just imagine the US economy goes down the crapper (which it did and will happen again and again) and the USD drops drastically where it can't even sustain us, what do we do then? We don't have the export power to sustain us, at least not for very long, our main exports such as salt, and pineapples have been taken over by foreign companies, but wait why would we do that? because we don't want to do it ourselves so they come do it for us take most of the profits and slide a little to the government as a thanks for letting us abuse you. Our biggest projects recently aren't even paid for by us, its all borrowed money. If Bahamar goes under then the Chinese will own all of cable beach as collateral, but why would we do that? that's just crazy land is most important resource in the world no land means no production, because we want to pretend we are so rich and further cement ourselves as a tourist destination which is a service industry which solely relies on the spending power of others. We don't even have proper schooling our national average is a D, and lack of education is the base of all problems with society. Crimes, easily fooled, ignorance, lack of ambition, no innovation, and poverty just to name a few. all because of this thing called education, which we don't fully accommodate. College of the Bahamas doesn't offer a wide variety of fields large enough to create a big enough work force in a specific field, medicine for example you have to travel abroad to get an education these days, and what happens all the successful people stay where they studied because why not? more opportunities, they are already settled, and cheaper cost of living per se'. So what we have happening is a large number of unskilled workers all trying to find jobs which aren't enough to go around. The people who do come back sometimes can't even find a job because foreign workers have already taken that spot or they are "over qualified" which I find ironic. We can't blame government because we put them there, the people hold all the power don't like something take a stand for it, don't sit idly by because "I'm gettin' mines"
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